We have the technology...
Published on September 28, 2006 By RoShin In SkinStudio

I am just wondering why it is that we can't export to msstyle format? I know there are other posts about it and I know you can import msstyle and save as WB - UIS or USF format. It seems rather a pain to have to buy Style Builder as well as Skin Studio - or in my case Object Desktop - in order to create both formats. Surely with the fantastic skills that are created these awsome programs there has to be some way that we can save out to msstyle as well.  
on Sep 28, 2006
Why would you want to save to msstyles when you cannot use that format?
on Oct 11, 2006

I need to export msstyles so I can use them with Codejock Xtreme SkinFramework.

How can I export to msstyle ???

on Oct 11, 2006
Skinstudio does not support the creation of msstyle files.